Order Wood

Seasoned Dry, Shed Stored Firewood

Beech/Natives Firewood


1 cubic metre/ 1m3

Beech/natives firewood is ideal for long-burning fires offering maximum heat output while producing minimal amounts of ash. It’s a dense hardwood and will burn best when added to a glowing ember base built from softer woods. Producing a subtle sweet smoke with nutty aromas it’s ideal for use in wood-fired Pizza ovens and meat smokers.

The mix consists of beech and other South Island West Coast native trees. Please note that the mixture ratio can vary from year to year.

Options available:

  1. Dry it yourself: Ready for burning Autumn/ Winter 2024. Will need drying. Drying instructions are provided upon delivery.
  2. Semi-dry: Ready for burning Autumn/ Winter 2024. Will need further drying. Needs to be stored in a well ventilated area.
  3. Dry: Dry and ready to burn now.
Storcon Firewood delivered Christchurch
Joeline – 021 340 090 | firewood@storcon.co.nz
588 Pound Road, Yaldhurst, Christchurch

Monday to Friday: 8:00am – 4:30pm, Saturday: 8:00am – 11:30am,
Sunday: Closed
